About Us

image This website is fully responsive using Media Queries CSS code making the design conform for mobile devices. All XMG templates include plain text menus, headers and footers plus a global css style file. All images, including any animated images and any backgrounds, are standard .jpg images that you can optionally replace with your own images, or you can use the included stock images for your website project. Built in basic HTML you can add as many pages as your website project requires in any template. You can also add scripts, applications, links, images and almost any feature you see on other websites can be added to any XMG template. XMG also provides many free scripts and add-ons as well as reasonably priced premium add-ons that can be added to any XMG template.


Expandable Design

This website is fully responsive using Media Queries CSS code making the design conform for mobile devices. All XMG templates include plain text menus, headers and footers plus a global css style file. All images, including any animated images and any backgrounds, are standard .jpg images that you can optionally replace with your own images, or you can use the included stock images for your website project. Built in basic HTML you can add as many pages as your website project requires in any template. You can also add scripts, applications, links, images and almost any feature you see on other websites can be added to any XMG template. XMG also provides many free scripts and add-ons as well as reasonably priced premium add-ons that can be added to any XMG template.

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